Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Methow Magic

Tom & Rob made a trip to the Methow March 10. It was a little colder and whiter than expected. However, since it was white Tom decided to make the most of Rob's first excursion since his accident.

After making sure that there were no rapidly moving fisherman waiting to crash out of the bushes and come crushing into Rob's head a la Alta, Tom went to work making a white day whiter. He found several whitefish and got them in. Some were even sipping insects on or near the surface. The whitefish must have taxed his reel because when he hooked a nice solid steelhead, the bail (bale?) popped open and he found himself free-spooling and trying to fight it with either all or nothing for drag. Soon he discovered that he had "nothing" left on his line. =-(

It was a nice morning, for me I'd never tromped through 3" of freshly fallen snow in waders, but it did make it much easier walking across the boulders that were buried under a thick, smooth, even layer of snow.


Rick Merrill said...

That's what you get for using spinning gear.....

When the going gets tough, the true fishing elite show their stuff, like landing a steelhead with the fly rod broken off at the handle, then going right back and hooking another one with the now really two-piece rod (Rick on Methow) or having the spool fall completely off your spinning reel but still landing a 25-lb King (Dad on Nushugak), or being able to fish at all while constantly glancing over your shoulder in worry watching out for someone on skis and wearing a hockey mask to come crashing out of the brush and smash into your face (Rob on any stream). Let's face it Tom, if you want to be remembered among the elite, you are going to have raise your game to a little higher level and leave behind the excuses of a minor inconvenience like having your bail stuck open.

DrRobFish said...

Well said!!