A beautiful day on Diamond Fork |
What a difference a couple of days makes! I think that the fish had been pounded by the long 4th of July weekend holiday--Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday--and were resting and recuperating when we were there Monday. When I left this morning Livi decided she wanted to stay home and play and Ethan was still sleeping from being worn out by yesterday so it was simply me, myself, & I fishing today.
It only took until the first hole I cast into to determine that today would be different. First fish cane out of the first hole and was a preview of coming attractions.
First brown from first hole fished |
I was fishing a size 4 or 6 (not sure which) golden stone pattern about 24" beneath a pinch-on float (again, thanks Mike) that was trailing a green Copper John that you can see resting near the anal fin on the photo below. After landing several nice fish, all on the golden stone, I left the Copper John off when I hung up and it broke and did fine fishing with only the golden stone.
Another nice brown |
The fish were holding in small pockets very near the edges where they could hide under debris or overhanging grass and I saw many of them come out and grab the fly. Landed a couple dozen only one of which was under 11". Most were in the 11-15" range. Missed a lot of fish including some nice ones. Largest fish landed was 16" but unable to get a photo. I had the camera and was holding the line to position the fish when he gave one hard thrash, broke the 4x tippet and was gone. He was about 1.5" thick across the back. A big fish that did take a pretty hard run when I first hooked him in a deep pocket behind a large boulder. Ended up fishing a little more than a mile of water for a great last day of fishing. Tomorrow I head to St. George to pack up Grandma's things into the van to take home and distribute.
A fine Diamond Fork specimen |
Love that stream! Thanks for the reports. Makes me want to head down to Utah soon!!!
We need to all take a week off at the same time and see how many creeks we can hit (maybe two weeks!)
Don't let St George stop you from fishing - Leeds Creek is only 25 minutes away (if you drive a little crazy on the gravel roads) for some nice little Bonneville Cutts
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