Forget Black Friday, think chrome with a stripe of pink. Tom and Rick once again continued their post-Thanksgiving tradition of finding somewhere to fish while all the other foolish people crowd into stores shopping. We spent a beautiful afternoon on the Methow River - not quite as crowded as Macy's, but almost. With a car parked at the first bridge, we continued to milepost 7 to fish the run there. No luck. Returning to the bridge, the couple fishing there had moved downstream, so we parked the car and walked out on the bridge to check for fish holding below. Sure enough, we saw three steelhead holding in the run. Tom took the side with the large concrete block, Rick the side with the gravel bar. Tom was fishing a Bella Coola rig with a bead, and after a short time hooked and landed this nice steelie. We continued to the hole above the bridge, but this was the only action we saw.

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