Caught some nice cutts in the Enchantment Lake basin again this year, but did have one very unusual hookup. I was backcasting and the billy pictured below had wandered behind me. I suddenly snagged on the backcast. I'd thought I'd checked behind me and didn't know what I'd have hooked on.
I turned and there was the billy with my hook buried into his rear end! I didn't dare yank it out for fear he'd charge me. He turned and ran and I played him for a little on my flyrod until he wrapped me around a tree--just like all the big fish do--and the hook pulled out with a chunk of him attached. I cast it back out and resumed catching the cutts. Twenty minutes later when we started out, he was still icing his haunches in a nearby snowbank. Probably wondered what insect had bitten him. Some hikers passing by who were watching me fish had a pretty good laugh!
I guess I'm the first Merrill brother to catch an ungulate flyfishing.
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