Had to fly to Michigan for a couple days, so I scheduled my flight out of Spokane so I could do a little fishing on the way there and back. Stopped at a favorite place along the way (kind of), and since I only had a couple hours, I decided to fish the stretch near the road where we often catch a lot of little ones rather than explore some new stretches. Well, there were a few little guys, but not as many as normal. So I found myself moving on. Caught one at the corner where Tom found a couple dozen last year. Kept walking. A lot of flat water where I spooked some good sized cruisers just by walking on the high bank (in the range of 14" to 18"). Found a bit of moving water, and a few more little guys. Tramped along the trail some more and then took a peek at the water - hmmmm, that looks nice! Meandering with riffles below a high bank, again spooked a nice one just looking down. I had about 20 minutes until I had to go. Quickly fished through a couple holes, with nothing. Came to the third little hole about the time my watch alarm went off. I'm checked in, I have a little more time. Toss my black beadhead bugger with a trailing pheasant tail. Hook and lose a nice fish in the 12" to 14" range. A few more casts and about ten feet in front of me a huge back arches out of the water, showing the pink side of a large trout as it tries to swallow my white thingamabobber (strike indicator). Whoa!!! That thing was a very, very fat 20+" bow! I still have a minute or two. Tie on a foam hopper, toss it out. The fly hesitates at the edge of an eddy on the foam line. A huge swirl that you could hear clearly it was so big. But the fly was rejected. No time to try new flies, just to dream about stopping on Friday on the way home......

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