What better way to spend "Black Friday" than fishing for steelhead in the almost pitch black early morning hours? I took Katie (Anderton) and her friend John (Maughan) up to the Methow as they wanted to go fishing. After warning them that some people fish for several years before catching their first steelhead, John proceeded to hook and land about a 24" wild steelhead within about 5 minutes of his first cast! I'd like to say it was the quality of the guiding service, but we know that's not true. He lost another one a short time later. Both of these in the hole above the bridge (if you have a need to know, you know which bridge). We moved downstream, where I hooked and briefly fought a nice one in the hole at the bend before losing it. It was a gorgeous morning, a great day to be on the river, and a very memorable one for John. And Katie did a pretty good job of handling a fly rod, too! Great job!

1 comment:
It's nice to see that river with no ice on the edges.
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