Thursday, October 13, 2016

Not every trip is successful...

In the interest of accurately tracking all fishing effort, just a quick post to report a couple stops on the way home from Carlynn's medical appointment in Spokane. Rained heavily all day. I was torn between the chance of a big fish at Nunya and the probability of many fish at Little Nunya. Ended up both places with barely a fish. Visited the first few holes at Nunya in the late afternoon while Carlynn read in the car. Really low, had one smallish trout on briefly. Left to Little Nunya. Also quite low, not quite as much as last year. A pile of worm container trash at the bridge. Nothing but one 4" trout. Not even another strike. About the same as found last fall with Kirk. Who knows where all the fish go, but they always seem to be back come spring.

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